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Teacher Plus Teacher Plus
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Teacher Plus Teacher Plus
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Profilbeschreibung von Matthew
I have taught music for one year during high school, namely clarinet and piano to children in primary school. I have also coached football for 3 years to children between the ages of 6 and 16. I have also had experience with some after school tutoring sessions. I find that the most important aspect of teaching is creating a situation catered towards the student and as fun as possible. When studen...
I have taught music for one year during high school, namely clarinet and piano to children in primary school. I have also coached football for 3 years to children between the ages of 6 and 16. I have also had experience with some after school tutoring sessions. I find that the most important aspect of teaching is creating a situation catered towards the student and as fun as possible. When students enjoy themselves and can associate positive feelings towards learning they are better able to retain information. Examples of this can include vocabulary games, for younger students, or to help more mature students often having a logical a well detail explanation in grammatical concepts is the best approach. Also above all when learning a language it is important to speak and communicate, so when students make mistakes which is only natural you cannot always correct them, it is important to have a balance of correcting mistakes and allowing them to express themselves so they feel confident in class. Finally being able to teach them about important topics as well as subjects they like can help, for instance setting homework as reading a book they like or watching a film they enjoy in the language there learning is very helpful. Although I do not have the most impressive teaching background I have been to 19 different schools across three different countries, as well as had several teachers for music and languages so I have gained a wealth of knowledge from their teaching methods and what worked well for me while learning.
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