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Nele Huntemann
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Unterrichtet Deutsch als Fremdsprache
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Deutsch lernen mit Nelz

Cheerio Guys,
I'm Nele from northern Germany. I'm 27 years old and currently studying back home. Travelling for the last years brought me in contact with lots of people from over the world and I recognized how important speaking more than one language is in our globalized world.
I am a very talkative and open-minded person who would like to help you improve your personal language skills.
I have experience in teaching German and English as second languages in South Africa, Tanzania and Vietnam. Working freelance for over 5 years teaching german as a foreign language. I am currently studying and living in Germany.
If you need help in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary or just getting fluent in German, I would love to practice with you. We can arrange "proper" lessons or just talk about topics you choose in order to achieve your personal goals!
Learning a new language should be fun, so I hope we can have a good time together :)
I want to welcome and invite you to contact me and take a lesson.
I Hope to hear from you soon!


An alle die schon etwas Deutsch sprechen:
Ich lade euch herzlichst ein, mit mir eure Deutschkenntnisse zu erweitern. Ich kann euch in Grammatik, Aussprache und eurem Wortschatz unterstützen und zusammen können wir euer persönliches Ziel erreichen. Gern unterrichte ich Themen eurer Wahl, wir können uns aber auch einfach nur ein wenig unterhalten, um den Sprachfluss zu fördern.
Ich freue mich auf eure Kontaktaufnahme :)
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