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Ort Feldafing, Baierbrunn, Gauting, Gräfelfing, Grünwald, Krailling, Planegg, Pullach i.Isartal
verified Verifizierte Daten time 1 Jahr Unterrichtserfahrung Antwortrate <strong>100%</strong> Antwortrate 100%
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Profilbeschreibung von Armita
Learning English is really cool and not too hard.

First of all, the aim of learning English needs to be clarified, IELTS band 6,5, for example. Then, together we can find your level, weaknesses and strengths. No need to purchase bunch of books! I will tell you which books or podcasts or websites would assist you and also step by step, I will teach you how to learn English and how to use your kn...
Learning English is really cool and not too hard.

First of all, the aim of learning English needs to be clarified, IELTS band 6,5, for example. Then, together we can find your level, weaknesses and strengths. No need to purchase bunch of books! I will tell you which books or podcasts or websites would assist you and also step by step, I will teach you how to learn English and how to use your knowledge in speaking or writing.

Here we are: if you learn a new vocab, don't try to memorize it by repeating and repeating! If you try to use this word in a sentence, you will never forget it. Additionally, by putting new words in the sentences, your grammar would be developed!

For speaking, I bring you different topics and each we discuss about one of them. The point is that to help you elaborate your opinions about that issue and defend your opinion! The more we discuss different aspects of that issue, the better speaker you would become!

For listening, according to your level, you will lesson to a podcast without subtitle. Once you lesson for many times, you can add English subtitle. We can find out which phrases are new and learn it together.

For reading, I suggest you to read English articles and books. Moreover, searching on google in English would increase your chance in elevating your reading.

For writing, step by step we try to put on paper everything we learnt together. After writing, try to find your mistakes and find out how you could enhance it. Then I will be there to help you enjoy writing .
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