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Amit singh
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Amit singh
Ort Leipzig
verified Verifizierte Daten time 1 Jahr Unterrichtserfahrung
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Profilbeschreibung von Amit singh
First of all, I try to know the kids better. I try to understand their learning psychology. Every kid had a journey because of which he/she behaves in a certain way. There is no weakness or brilliance in a student. I try to understand their behaviour and make them practice the same concept in multiple ways so that they could subconsciously apply the concepts when needed. If a kid can think about...
First of all, I try to know the kids better. I try to understand their learning psychology. Every kid had a journey because of which he/she behaves in a certain way. There is no weakness or brilliance in a student. I try to understand their behaviour and make them practice the same concept in multiple ways so that they could subconsciously apply the concepts when needed. If a kid can think about the next step of the problem and is able to make the links by themselves in then that means you are on a right track. I give them enough time to digest the concepts.All I need from you is your desire and passion to learn and understand the concepts.
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